Lucky's Rescue Center Information

Local Resources for Lincoln, Giles, Lawrence County and Marshall Counties in Tennessee.

Lucky's Adoption Hours

Monday - Appointment Only
Tuesday - Appointment Only
Wednesday - Appointment Only
Thursday - Appointment Only
Friday - Appointment Only

Public Visiting Hours

Saturday - 12pm-4pm
Sunday - 12pm-4pm

Lucky's Rescue Center Intake Information

Lucky's Rescue Center accepts strays and owner surrenders by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
To request an intake appointment please fill out the Request for Feline Assistance (Intake Form), if you need assistance filling out the form you can contact us during business hours at 931-675-7077.

If You Find A Stray Kitten

Thank you for helping the kitten/cat! Lucky’s Cat House focuses on intaking cats and kittens from Marshall, Giles, and Lawrence counties in TN Only. LCH always has a waiting list and we intake by appointments only. As more rescue and shelter programs are microchipping, we recommend taking the kitty to a local veterinary clinic to be scanned for a microchip. LCH recommends posting the found kitten/cat to local lost and found pages on social media.

If You Find A Sick/Injured Kitten And Need Urgent Help Or Advice

Lucky’s Cat House does not offer medical advice. We recommend that you seek veterinary care for any sick/injured kittens or cats. If a cat is having a medical emergency, please go to your nearest 24-hour animal hospital.

If the cat is located in Marshall, Giles, or Lawrence Counties you can contact Lucky’s Cat House Text/Voicemail service 931-675-7077 for a medical assessment, if space is available. If the cat is located elsewhere, please contact your local animal shelter. Alternatively, the cat can be taken to a local veterinarian for treatment.

Rescue Center Location & Mailing Address

Lucky's Cat House Rescue & Adoption Center
1191 E. Commerce St
Lewisburg, TN

Mailing Address
Lucky's Cat House
PO Box 2278
Lewisburg, TN

Lucky's Cat House is a small scale 501(c)(3) non-profit cat rescue working in Lincoln, Giles, Lawrence and Marshall counties in middle TN.


Lewisburg, Tennessee 37091


EIN: 84-4555271

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Guidestar Adopt-A-Pet approved shelter